Musical notation by Pacino di Bonaguida


Fred Sanders is a theologian who studies and teaches across the full range of Christian doctrines, but always with a special focus on the doctrine of the Trinity. Since 1999, Fred has taught in the Torrey Honors College, an undergraduate program in the great books, at Biola University.

Fred studied art (drawing and printmaking) in college, earned an MDiv at Asbury Theological Seminary, and a PhD from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. He and his wife Susan (who have been friends since they met at age 11) are members of Grace Evangelical Free Church in La Mirada, CA. They have two adult children.

Fred has written several books and articles; his most important books are The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything (Crossway, 2010); The Triune God (Zondervan, 2016); and Fountain of Salvation: Trinity and Soteriology (Eerdmans, 2021). He blogs occasionally here at (and with Torrey Honors colleagues at, and maintains an active presence on Twitter. His academic CV is here.

About the Site

This site,, is a resource website where I make my work easily available to the general public. If anything I’ve written is out of copyright or within fair use guidelines, I’ll post it here for download (or at least a link to where it can be found). Books and book chapters are usually still under the copyright of the various publishers and editors, so I’ll just share information about them here, along with links to where they can be bought.

The “Resources” section of the site contains things that have been published in some form, meaning they have gone through some kind of editorial collaboration: in some cases they have been commissioned, shaped by someone’s editorial vision, copyedited, proofread, distributed, promoted, and so on (things like journal or website articles, or book chapters). In other cases they were just invited (things like podcast interviews). The blog entries, on the other hand, are not published elsewhere, but simply posted directly here.