The Doctrine of the Trinity in Protestant Orthodoxy: Classic Texts from Junius, Polanus, and Leigh

Forthcoming: The Doctrine of the Trinity in Protestant Orthodoxy: Classic Texts from Junius, Polanus, and Leigh, edited and introduced by Fred Sanders and Ryan M. Hurd. (Lexham Press, 20__)
The great theological works of the post-Reformation Protestants are sadly neglected. Partly this neglect comes from simple ignorance, but partly it comes from some very real obstacles to reading these works from the 16th to 18th centuries: the book are sprawling, dense, hard to find, and in Latin.
Fred Sanders and Ryan Hurd help overcome those obstacles by focusing on the doctrine of the Trinity, picking three key texts, and presenting them in translation and with helpful notes. Franciscus Junius was early and influential, Amandus Polanus was comprehensive and encyclopedic, and Edward Leigh was insightful and–as a bonus–actually wrote in English.
The doctrine of the Trinity is an exalted and difficult doctrine that requires exactly the kind of careful, structured thinking the Protestant Scholastics excelled at.
The Junius and Polanus sections of this book contain some elements of the discussion that Sanders and Hurd shared in their breakthrough YouTube podcast (including diagrams and outlines); the Leigh section completes the survey nicely.