A scene from the Leben der heiligen Altväter (1482)
The Person of Christ: Dogmatic, Scriptural, Historical
The Fernley Lecture of 1871, With Two Additional Essays on the Biblical and Ecclesiastical Development of the Doctrine, and Illustrative Notes. Second Edition. London: Wesleyan Conference Office, 1875.
302pp, additions as noted in preface. Definitive statement on Christology (actually just the unity of the person as central idea). Which edition was translated into German?
Note on Fernley lecture series: Memoir of Mr. John Fernley, p. 32 The “Fernley Lecture” was established as the result of many years of consideration : the object of the Founder being to secure an annual expression at the Conference on some leading topic of theology. There is every reason to think that the effect will be, as years roll on, an addition to Methodist divinity of very valuable Sermons, Essays and Treatises. The scheme was original and striking. Before success proved the contrary, there seemed to be very much against it. But its wisdom has been justified by the interest, and even enthusiasm, always increasing too, with which the Lecture on the eve of Conference is attended. It is indeed so successful, and so well understood, that nothing more need be said about it here.