A scene from the Leben der heiligen Altväter (1482)


Don’t Skip Theology’s Middle Ground

It’s true that evangelical Christians and churches need to get back to the riches of the earliest Christian theology. Gavin Ortlund makes an eloquent case for this in his book Theological Retrieval for Evangelicals: Why We Need…

The Whole Trinity in the Whole BibleResponse to Peter Leithart's "Triune Creator"

It is with eagerness and delight that Christian readers turn their attention to the triune God’s self-revelation in Scripture. We take in the whole book from the beginning to the end, and rise from our reading…

Review of Levy, Introducing Medieval Biblical Interpretation

This volume introduces the thought of key interpreters of Scripture from nearly a millennium of Western intellectual history. Though there is a brief opening overview of church fathers reaching back to Origen, Levy’s real tale picks…

Book Symposium on The Triune God

This suite of responses to Fred Sanders’ book The Triune God (Zondervan, 2016) is from papers originally read at the 2016 annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. This symposium publishes the papers by Wesley Hill,…

Holy Scripture Under the Auspices of the Holy TrinityOn John Webster's Trinitarian Doctrine of Scripture

As he approached the monumental task of writing his own systematic theology, John Webster gave strategic attention to constructing a doctrine of Scripture that was adequate to support such a project. In contrast to some well-respected…

Seeing the Trinity in Scripture

a 2018 lecture at the Lanier Theological Library in Houston, TX. Heavily illustrated, well edited, and with the benefit of a responsive, live audience.

3 Reasons to Make Systematic Theology Part of Your Bible Study

“Oh dear,” he muttered, his features rearranging themselves into a mask of poorly-concealed dismay. All I had said, in response to him asking what subject I taught, was “systematic theology.” But those two words, those eight…

Review of Keay’s Alexander the CorrectorThe Tormented Genius who Unwrote the Bible

When Cruden’s Concordance was first published in 1737 in London, it was immediately recognized as a revolutionary research tool. In the American colonies, Jonathan Edwards read a magazine ad that same year for a work “more…