Spies in Canaan from 1440 Book of Hours of Catherine of Cleves


Review of Treier and Lauber’s Trinitarian Theology for the ChurchScripture, Community, Worship

The Trinity was forgotten for a period of “centuries of doctrinal tragedy,” until suddenly in the middle of the twentieth century, theologians rediscovered it. Several decades after that ecumenical rediscovery, evangelical theologians are finally catching up. “So goes…

John Wesley as a Happy Puritan

I recently finished writing a book on John Wesley, soon to be released in a new series from Crossway. The book is titled Wesley on the Christian Life: The Heart Renewed in Love. It was a delight…

“You’re a Calvinist, Right?”

I get this question a lot, from a certain kind of people: Calvinists who are excited about the gospel, discipleship, Bible study, and robust theology. We have so much in common that it sometimes comes as…

Foreword to Harrower’s Trinitarian Self and SalvationAn Evangelical Engagement with Rahner’s Rule

Modern Trinitarian theology has rejoiced in its discovery of the way God has made himself known in the economy of salvation. Operating under the broad guidance of Rahner’s Rule (“The economic Trinity is the immanent Trinity, and…

The Awkward Guest in the Evangelical Household

The doctrine of the Trinity has a peculiar place in the minds and hearts of evangelical Christians. How has it come about that so many evangelicals today are cold toward the doctrine of the Trinity, confused…

Differentiating the Work of the Son and Spirit in Salvation

Over and over in our Christian experience we note the difference between the Son and the Spirit. There are many things we say about the Son of God that we would never say about the Spirit….

Trinitarian Theology’s Exegetical Basis: A Dogmatic Survey

One of the chief obligations laid upon trinitarian theology in our time is that it renders the doctrine of the Trinity with unprecedented clarity as a biblical doctrine, or, to speak more precisely, as a doctrine that is in the Bible. If there ever was a time when theology could afford to hurry past this task, with an impatient wave of the hand in the general direction of scripture, that time is not now.

Review of Budde and Wright’s Conflicting AllegiancesThe Church-based University in a Liberal Democratic Society

The central idea of this set of essays (which grew out of a 2002 conference at Point Loma Nazarene University) is that all modern Christian university education has been distorted and truncated by the constraints placed…

Review of Jowers’ Karl Rahner’s Trinitarian Axiom“The Economic Trinity is the Immanent Trinity and Vice Versa”

[an excerpt:] He reminds us that Rahner is so committed to revelation as a transcendental phenomenon, in which God is known by creatures only as he imparts himself to them, that as a corollary Rahner rejects…

Review of Bowman and Komoszewski’s Putting Jesus in His PlaceThe Case for the Deity of Christ

The case as perceived by scholars for the deity of Christ is stronger now than it has been for a long time, and those who went through seminary more than a decade ago should take a…

Review of Bergmann, Creation Set FreeThe Spirit as Liberator of Nature

Sigurd Bergmann is a theologian who teaches at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. Creation Set Free, a volume in Eerdman’s Sacra Doctrina: Christian Theology for a Postmodern Age series, is Bcrgmann’s first…

Review of Keay’s Alexander the CorrectorThe Tormented Genius who Unwrote the Bible

When Cruden’s Concordance was first published in 1737 in London, it was immediately recognized as a revolutionary research tool. In the American colonies, Jonathan Edwards read a magazine ad that same year for a work “more…

Review of Paul Molnar’s Divine Freedom and the Doctrine of the Immanent Trinity

Paul D. Molnar’s important book on the Trinity is probably best understood as a voice of dissent against the prevailing tendency of late twentieth century trinitarian theology. The most influential Trinity books from the decades just…

Don Giovanni: The Absolute Man and the Patience of God

Something strange, and theologically significant, happens when you listen to Mozart’s Don Giovanni. The peculiar phenomenon I have in mind has been reported by ordinary music lovers as well as by some of the most insightful…

Art, Truth and The Da Vinci Code —Separating Fact From Fiction

The Da Vinci Code‘s action begins in the Louvre in Paris, when one of the book’s central characters performs a riveting re-enactment of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous drawing, “Vitruvian Man.” Most people have seen the sketch…

Trinity Talk, Again

Abstract: The doctrine of the Trinity has, in the past couple of decades, reclaimed its central place in Christian God talk. Theologians are now using it to render every doctrine more explicitly Christian, and to sharpen…

The State of the Doctrine of the Trinity in Evangelical Theology

[In this article I attempted to name the most important trends in evangelical Trintarianism, and make some guesses about how they would develop in coming years. Much of the reportage and analysis is still worth reading,…

Review of Anatolios’ AthanasiusThe Coherence of his Thought

As the title indicates, this book describes the theology of Athanasius of Alexandria as a coherent system. What may be surprising to many readers is that a book-length treatment of Athanasian theology does not already exist….